Review Tests

  1. Religion is a belief in:

a. what my church says                       b. a supernatural power or powers that are regarded as the creators and maintainers of the universe.

            c. a way of living                                c. rules and regulations

  1. Monotheistic religions believe in:

a. 1 church                                           b. 1 head of the church
c. 1 congregation                                 d. 1 god

  1. Polytheistic religions believe in:

a. many gods                                       b. many churches
c. many members of the church          d. many holy scriptures

  1. Animistic or traditional religions believe in:

a. animals come to church                   b. many things in nature have divine powers
c. one god                                           d. nature is evil

  1. The 5 major religions are:

    1. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism
    2. Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Methodist, Catholic
    3. Paganism, Druidism, Confucianism, Sikhism, Atheism

  1. The three religions that began in southwest Asia are:

a. Baptist, Methodist, Calvinist          b. Islam, Judaism, Christianity
c. Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism       d. none of the above

  1. Judaism is:

    1. polytheistic, their god made a covenant with them, and their rules were the Ten Commandments
    2. monotheistic, their god made a covenant with them, and their rules were the Ten Commandments
    3. monotheistic, they believe in the New Testament, and their rules were the Ten Commandments

  1. The primary symbols of Judaism are:

    1. The star of David and the menorah                b. the cross
    2. The crescent and the star                                d. the lotus blossom

  1. Christianity is:

    1. influenced by Judaism, is polytheistic, and uses the Old Testament exclusively
    2. influenced by Islam, is monotheistic and uses the Old and the New Testaments
    3. influenced by Judaism, is monotheistic and uses both the Old and the New Testaments
    4. influenced by no other religion, is monotheistic and uses both the Old and New Testaments

  1. The major symbol of Christianity is:
    1. The Star of David                   b. the crucifix/ cross
    2. The Dome of the Rock           c. The hammer and sicle

  1. Islam is:
    1. Monotheistic, their god is called Allah, and their sacred scripture is the Koran (Qu’ran)
    2. Polytheistic, their god is called Allah and the sacred text is the Torah
    3. Monotheistic, their god is Yahweh, and their text is the Koran (Qu’ran)

  1. The symbols of Islam are:
    1. The cross                     b. the crescent moon
    2. The lotus                     d. the crescent moon and star

  1. The founder of Islam is the prophet:
    1. Mohammed                 b. Jesus
    2. Abraham                     d David

  1. The founder of Buddhism is:
    1. Siddartha                    b. Mohammed
    2. Jesus                            d. Confuscious

  1. The Five Pillars of Islam are:
    1. A statement of faith, prayer 5 times a day in the direction of Mecca, charity, a pilgrimage to Mecca once in a lifetime(the Hajj), and fasting during the holy time of Ramadan.
    2. statement of belief, prayer 5 times a day in the direction of Mecca, charity, a pilgrimage to Mecca once in a lifetime(the Hajj), and fasting during the holy time of Ramadan.
    3. statement of faith, prayer 4 times a day in the direction of Mecca, charity, a pilgrimage to Mecca once in a lifetime(the Hajj), and fasting during the holy time of Ramadan.

  1. In India, the system of social organization is called:
    1. The birth status system                       b. the caste system
c.       The politburo                                       d. the Nepalese system

  1. The holy books of the Hindus are called:
    1. The Vedas                                           b. the Castes
c.       The Tao                                               d. the Qu’ran

  1. A region is an area of the earth that:
    1. Shares water                                        b shares money
c.       Shares airspace                                    d. shares unifying characteristics

  1. The term “physical” in geography refers to:
    1. Vegetation, water supply, species       b. vegetation, population, species
c.       Vegetation, climate, landforms           d. vegetation, water supply, climate

  1. The unifying characteristic for the Sahara Desert is:
    1. Sand                                                    b. the African continent
c.       Date palm trees                                   d. climate

  1. The Taiga is found in:
    1. South America and Madagascar         b. northern Canada and Russia
c.       Northern China and Africa                 c. eastern Japan

  1. The unifying characteristics of the rainforests are:
    1. Rain                                                     b. animal species
    2. Climate and vegetation                       d. tribal people

  1. The unifying characteristics of the Great Plains are:
    1. Animals ands plants                            b. topography and vegetation
c.       Vegetation and climate                       d. tribal people and customs

  1. The unifying characteristic of the Low Countries is:
    1. Climate                                                b. topography
    2. Religion                                               d. food

  1. Cultural Regions are based on unifying characteristics such as:
    1. Landforms, water, vegetation             b. population growth, boundaries
c.        Language, ethnicity, politics, religion, economy 
d.       language, population, water

  1. An example of an ethnic region is:
    1. The Great Plains                      b. the Middle East
c.       The Wheat Belt                       d. the European Union

  1. An example of a language region is:
    1. The Rocky Mountains             b. Latin America
c.       The Pacific Coast              d. Alaska

  1. An example of an economic region is:
    1. The Wheat Belt                       b. the Rust Belt
c.       The European Union               d. all of the above

d.      The acronym NATO stands for:
a.       North Atlantic Treaty Opportunity     b . Near Atlantic Tier Organization
  1. North Atlantic Treaty Opus                d. North Atlantic Treaty Organization

  1. What is the purpose of NATO? ________________________________________

  1. The Rust Belt used to be the ___________________ of industry in the United States.
    1. Center                         b. the owners
c.Consumers                d. union halls

  1. OPEC is the cartel that sets the price of what?
    1. Dairy products                                    b. beef
    2. Cotton commodities               d. oil

  1. Examples of political divisions are:
    1. Neighborhoods, cities, counties, states           b. democrats and republicans
c.Private clubs                         d. poll workers for opposing candidates

  1. NAFTA is a :
    1. Treaty                                                  b. Trade Act armed force of countries             . d. arms agreement

  1. What religion unifies North Africa and the Middle East>
a.       Catholic                       b.. Christianity
b.      Islam                           d. Buddhism

35.  What 2 countries claim a region called the Kashmir?
a.       North Korea and South Korea                        b. China and India
c.Russia and China                 d. Japan and Taiwan

36.  What three religions believe Jerusalem is their sacred city?
a.       Judaism, Buddhism, Islam                  b. Islam, Christianity, Judaism
C. Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism    d. Taoism, Islam, Judaism

37.  What three countries are part of NAFTA?
a.       Britain, U.S., Nepal                b. Canada,  U.S. , Mexico
c.Puerto Rico, Haiti, Cuba      d. Bermuda, Saint Croix, Dominican Republic

38.  The major language of Brazil is:
a.       Spanish                                    b. Italian
c.Dominican                                  d. Portuguese

39.  The two tribes who fought in a bloody civil war in Rwanda, were:
a.       The Hutus, and the Tutsis       b. the Swahili and the Pygmies
c.The Gambians and the Mauritanians            d. the Bardu and the Zulu


Unit 4 Test – Population

1.      Why are birth rates higher in developing countries?
a.       No birth control, strict religious restrictions, poor economies, women have fewer rights in these societies
b.      Birth control, religious freedom, advancing economies, poor women’s rights records
c.       No birth control, strict religious issues, good economies, and limited women’s rights
d.      No birth control, no religious restrictions, fair economies, women’s rights

2.      Why do some countries have an aging population?
a.       More money in the population
b.      Better health care and nutrition
c.       Less disease in these societies
d.      They lack birth control

3.      Which countries have a greater aging population?
a.       Undeveloped
b.      Developing
c.       Developed

4.      Why does China have more males than females?
a.       It is a statistical anomaly.
b.      Because of the one child policy, they began to practice female infanticide.
c.       Diseases seem to have targeted their female population.
d.      Medical care is not offered to females in China.

5.      What does GDP stand for?
a.       Goods and Domestic Products
b.      Globally Differentiated Products
c.       Gross Domestic Product
d.      Gross Dependent Product

6.      What is the GDP?
a.       All of the total exports of a country in one year
b.      All of the total imports of a country in one year
c.       All of the total sales of a country in one year
d.      All of the goods and services produced by a country in one year
7.      Who has lower GDP’s?
a.       Developing countries
b.      Developed countries
c.       Both

8.      What is the Infant Mortality Rate of a country?
a.       The rapidity with which countries bury babies.
b.      The actual rate at which babies die at birth in a country
c.       How long a baby will stays in the hospital in a country
d.      The ethnic background of a baby

9.      Life expectancy means:
a.       How long a person will live
b.      How long a person can expect a good life
c.       The path someone chooses in life
d.      How much money a person can expect to make over his/her lifetime

10.  What does age distribution refer to in a population pyramid?
a.       The number of people in a population
b.      Where the population is distributed in a country
c.       The number of old people in the population
d.      The number of young people compared to older people

11.  A demographer:
a.       Uses populations to market information
b.      Studies population statistics and publishes the findings
c.       Makes assertions about the economy based on population statistics
d.      Makes demonstration graphs (hence the “demo” and “graph” in the word)

12.  How are populations compared?
a.       Birth rates, death rates, age distribution, religion
b.      Male/female distribution, life expectancy, education
c.       Infant mortality, GDP, ethnicity, languages
d.      All of the above

13.  Why do developing countries have higher death rates?
a.       They have a higher murder rate
b.      They have less medical care, but better nutrition
c.       They have a higher infant mortality rate
d.      They have less medical care and poor nutrition

14.  Developed countries are:
a.       Moderately poor, have larger young populations and little health care
b.      Rich, have great health care and nutrition, have larger older populations
c.       Somewhat stable in economy, have some education, and good nutrition

15.  Developing nations are:
a.       Moderately poor, have larger young populations and little health care
b.      Rich, have great health care and nutrition, have larger older populations
c.       Somewhat stable in economy, have some education, and good nutritio

16.  Undeveloped countries are:
a.       Moderately poor, have larger young populations and little health care
b.      Rich, have great health care and nutrition, have larger older populations
c.       Somewhat stable in economy, have some education, and good nutrition

17.  For many years, China has had a:
a.       Non-marriage policy
b.      A one child policy
c.       A feud with Taiwan
d.      A poor workforce

18.  Factors that influence population growth are:
a.       Economic development, education, medical treatment, nutrition, role of women,
b.      Class development, salary level, school drop-out rate, role of men
c.       Government policy, economy, overall happiness of population, role of women
d.      None of the above

19.  Which 5 factors affect population distribution?
a.       Capital resources, conflicts, rural settlement, rural resources, and climate
b.      Education, climate, urban settlement, natural resources, capital resources
c.       Climate, man-made products, natural resources, urban/rural settlement, education
d.      Capital resources, education, climate, government policy, urban/rural settlement

20.  What continent has the largest population in world?
a.       North America
b.      Asia
c.       Africa
d.      Europe

True or False
21.   Most people in the world live near water on a coast or near a river. _____
22.  Most people in the world live at the foot of or on mountainous land. _____
23.  People migrate to areas where there is fresh water to use.                 ______
24.  Natural resources affect population distribution.                                ______
25.  More population can be found in hot climates than anywhere else.   ______
26.  The Amazon Rain Forest is heavily forested.                                     ______
27.  Population grows in areas that have good hospitals.                           ______
28.  Population grows wherever there are good hospitals and doctors      ______
29.  Russia is the most populated country in the world.                            ______
30.  Population density is how many people live there per square mile.   ______

31.  Population decreases in countries where:
a.       There are many educated people who have careers
b.      There are lots of diseases
c.       More women work from home
d.      There are high infant mortality rates

32.  Countries that are highly industrialized have:
a.       High population rates
b.      Lower population rates
c.       Fewer educated people
d.      More accidents per capita

33.  Factors that affect population growth are:
a.       Education, role of men in society, economic development, modern medicine
b.      Education, role of women, economic development, modern medicine/hygiene,
government policy, and industrialization and urbanization
c.       Education for some men, women stay at home as mothers and housewives,
more rural farming, and modern medicine
d.      Education, government policy, agrarian society,  modern medicine/hygiene,

34.  Capital resources are:
a.       Any asset used to produce goods and/or services such as transportation, factories, tools, etc.
b.      The money infused into an economy
c.       Assets in the capital city of a country that are sent out to each region in need.
d.      None of the above

35.  What is one reason people flee to another country and migrate from their own?
a.       Corrupt officials
b.      A desire to see the world
c.       A desire for dual citizenship
d.      War

36.  What country will have the largest population in the world within 50 years?
a.       France
b.      Saudi Arabia
c.       South Africa
d.      India

True or False:
37.  Large numbers of people live in the Amazon Rain Forest.                                  _____
38.  People do not populate areas of extreme cold, such as Antarctica.                      _____
39.  People often live in areas where there are no jobs.                                               _____
40.  Major cities are never near or around ready water supplies.                                 _____
41.  People usually move to urban environments for the jobs a big city can supply.  _____
42.  A push factor for migration tempts people to leave a place.                                 _____
43.  A pull factor pulls people back to the city of their birth.                                       ____
44.  Overpopulation is a push factor that gets people to move away from heavily      ____
populated areas
45.  Religious and political persecution both act as push factors for
People to migrate to another location.                                                                    ____

46.  How do we compare populations graphically?
a.       Math problem
b.      Bar Chart
c.       Population Pyramid
d.      Pie Chart

47.  The Gobi Desert is in __________ and has a _________ population because of its’ ________.
a.       Asia, large, climate
b.      Egypt, small, floods
c.       Siberia, sparse, icing
d.      China, sparse, climate

48. a population pyramid for this and 49 & 50



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Flashcards and educational games by StudyStack

Types of Government Test

Type of government in which the monarch is just symbolic & the parliament holds the power:

Constitutional Monarchy

Type of government that takes control over every aspect of its citizens lives & forces the people to do what it wants:

This type of government results when the military takes over:
Military junta or
Military Dictatorship

This monarch has all power & control over the people & the government:

Absolute/Traditional Monarchy

This type of government allows the people to gather & vote on every issue that affects their lives:
( happens in some small northern or rural towns)

Direct/Pure Democracy

The United States is a form of democracy called a:
Federal Republic

The head of a republic such as Canada or India would be called a:

Prime Minister

Name two republics other than Canada:
France, Germany, India, Denmark, Turkey & many others we have discussed

The leader of the American form of democracy is called the:


An oligarchy is the rule of the:
The few or one dominant group

When there is no form of government at all, it is called:


When an elite or noble oligarchy takes over the government, it is called an:


When the government forces everyone to have the same things, do the same things, work without wages, takes the individual’s land & forces people to live together in groups, it is called:

When one man rules the country and can decide what to do without any governing body, he would be called a:

An example of a communist country would be:

China, North Korea, Russia, North Vietnam, Cuba (just a few)

An example of an absolute monarchy exists in what country?

Saudi Arabia or Jordan

Name two dictators & the country’s they rule:

Examples: Castro,Cuba/Chavez, Venezuela

When a nation is ruled by one political party it is called:

Rule of government based on religious beliefs:


The word democracy means:
Rule by the people

The definition of a government is:

A ruling power in a political society

A government has the authority or responsibility to do these three things:

 It has the authority to make laws, resolve disputes, and issue administrative decisions.

Iran would be an example of:


India is an example of what type of government?


Great Britain is an example of what type of government?

Constitutional Monarchy

The U.S. is an example of what type of government?
Federal Republic

Cuba is an example of what type of government?

A dictatorship that is communist

When does anarchy occur?
A chaotic situation where there is no government; such as, after a revolution occurs.

Define a Federal Republic:
29. a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the component parts (states) retain a degree of self-government; ultimate sovereign power rests with the voters who chose their governmental representatives. 

In a monarchy power is passed down through:
The ruling families bloodlines (parent to child)

Economics Vocabulary Quiz

1.      recession                                       __12__  period of economic activity in which
business, employment and stock market
values decline severely and remain at a  low level of activity

2.      barter                                           ___7__a continuing rise in prices relate to an
increase in the amount of money and weakened value of currency

3.      demand                                        __5___goods and services that are sold to
another country

4.      supply                                           ___2__an economic system that is based on
trading goods and services for other
goods and services

__14___  a tax by the government on imports, and
            sometimes on exports, as well

5.      export                                           ___13__financial market of a developing
                                                                         country; small market with short

6.      trade                                             ___3__amount of product that consumers are
willing to buy at a given price

7.      inflation                                        __10___financial market where the money keeps
circulating and is used for consumption or investment

8. developing countries                     __16___  a natural resource which cannot be produced, grown, generated, or used on a scale which can sustain its consumption rate, once depleted there is no more available for future needs.

9 import                                              ___4__amount of a product produced
                                                                        at a given price

10.closed market                                __1___period of slow or negative economic
growth, and rising unemployment

11.economic system                           __9___goods and services that are bought from
another country

12.depression                                     __11___system that deals with the production,
distribution and use of goods and services
in a society

13.emerging market                          __6___countries participate in __________ in
order to get all of the necessary materials
and natural resources that it needs to survive

14. tariff                                         __17___  refers to the market value of all officially recognized final goods and services produced within a country in a given period.

15. developed countries                                 __15____  a nation with good economic growth that is stable, and has a good GDP.

16. non-renewable resource             __19___  a natural resource with the ability of being replaced through biological or other natural processes and replenished with the passage of time.

17. GDP                                             __8___  a nation with a low living standard, and an undeveloped industrial base

18. What does GDP stand for?        ______Gross Domestic Product_______

19. renewable resources